Karen Clippinger

Karen Clippinger is a professor emerita at California State University–Long Beach, where she taught for 19 years. Her courses included functional anatomy for dance, body placement, and Pilates. She also taught anatomy and kinesiology courses at other prestigious universities such as UCLA and Scripps College, as well as Pilates teacher training programs for Body Arts and Science International (BASI).

Clippinger holds a master’s degree in exercise science from the University of Washington. Before joining academia, she worked as a clinical kinesiologist for 20 years at Loma Linda University Medical Center and several sports medicine clinics in Seattle. She has worked with a wide range of clients and consulted for the U.S. Weightlifting Federation, the U.S. race walking team, Pacific Northwest Ballet, and the Danish Wounded Warrior Project.

Clippinger is a highly respected international speaker who has given over 400 presentations, including at conferences for BASI Pilates, Balanced Body, Pilates Alliance of Australasia, and Pilates Method Alliance. Clippinger was an exercise columnist for Shape magazine for four years and has authored numerous other articles, several book chapters, and the textbook Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology.

Βιβλία του Συγγραφέα

Karen Clippinger is a professor emerita at California State University–Long Beach, where she taught for 19 years. Her courses included functional anatomy for dance, body placement, and Pilates. She also taught anatomy and kinesiology courses at other prestigious universities such as UCLA and Scripps College, as well as Pilates teacher training programs for Body Arts and Science International (BASI).

Clippinger holds a master’s degree in exercise science from the University of Washington. Before joining academia, she worked as a clinical kinesiologist for 20 years at Loma Linda University Medical Center and several sports medicine clinics in Seattle. She has worked with a wide range of clients and consulted for the U.S. Weightlifting Federation, the U.S. race walking team, Pacific Northwest Ballet, and the Danish Wounded Warrior Project.

Clippinger is a highly respected international speaker who has given over 400 presentations, including at conferences for BASI Pilates, Balanced Body, Pilates Alliance of Australasia, and Pilates Method Alliance. Clippinger was an exercise columnist for Shape magazine for four years and has authored numerous other articles, several book chapters, and the textbook Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology.

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Αθανάσιος Τερζής, καθηγητής φυσικής αγωγής – προπονητής ποδοσφαίρου

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Ιωάννης Τσανικλίδης, προπονητής ποδοσφαίρου

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Βαγγέλης Τσιώλης, προπονητής ποδοσφαίρου

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