Michael Part

Michael Part

Michael Part was born in Sheboygan Wisconsin and lives in the San Fernando Valley in Southern California with his wife and five children, 6 cats and a parrot. He has been writing professionally since he was nineteen years old. Besides writing the bestselling children's soccer biographies, "The Flea The Amazing Story of Leo Messi", "Cristiano Ronaldo The Rise of a Winner", "Neymar The Wizard", and "Balotelli The Untold Story", he is the editor of a number of YA books including the bestselling children's series of books "The Wild Soccer Bunch" and the forthcoming "Colorful Lies" by Daffodil. He has also written a number of motion pictures and television shows including the Disney classic, "A Kid in King Arthur's Court" and its sequel, "A Kid in Aladdin's Palace". His children's soccer books have been published in over 35 countries and in numerous languages. His biography on Lionel Messi was voted in a national survey of libraries and schools to be the #1 book for children 8-12 in Israel. He is currently working on a new book.

Βιβλία του Συγγραφέα

Michael Part was born in Sheboygan Wisconsin and lives in the San Fernando Valley in Southern California with his wife and five children, 6 cats and a parrot. He has been writing professionally since he was nineteen years old. Besides writing the bestselling children’s soccer biographies, “The Flea The Amazing Story of Leo Messi”, “Cristiano Ronaldo The Rise of a Winner”, “Neymar The Wizard”, and “Balotelli The Untold Story”, he is the editor of a number of YA books including the bestselling children’s series of books “The Wild Soccer Bunch” and the forthcoming “Colorful Lies” by Daffodil. He has also written a number of motion pictures and television shows including the Disney classic, “A Kid in King Arthur’s Court” and its sequel, “A Kid in Aladdin’s Palace”. His children’s soccer books have been published in over 35 countries and in numerous languages. His biography on Lionel Messi was voted in a national survey of libraries and schools to be the #1 book for children 8-12 in Israel. He is currently working on a new book.

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