Jim Vance

Jim Vance

Jim Vance is an elite endurance sports coach, author, and sport technology and training consultant based in San Diego, California. He is the personal coach to 2016 US Olympic and 70.3 World Championships silver medal triathlete Ben Kanute. Jim is also the Head Varsity Swim Coach at Coronado High School, (where he coached a 2016 All-American swimmer), and has coached elite National Champions, World Championship podium performances, countless Ironman World Championship qualifiers, and been a training consultant for US Olympians. Jim has written two books - Triathlon 2.0 and Run with Power, and co-edited Triathlon Science with best selling training author, Joe Friel.

After a collegiate career as a 4 year letterwinning cross country and track athlete at the University of Nebraska, where he earned his degree in physical and health education, Vance turned to triathlon, where he won two amateur world championships, and trained at the Olympic Training Center. Later he moved to Ironman racing where he had many top finishes, including a third-place finish at Ironman Florida in 2006.

Jim continues to work with athletes all over the world, at all different levels, from beginner to elite, in swimming, cycling, running and triathlon. There are few individuals in the world with the teaching background, elite athlete experience, and coaching experience with elites, amateurs and juniors, as well as knowledge of training, like Jim Vance.

Βιβλία του Συγγραφέα

Jim Vance is an elite endurance sports coach, author, and sport technology and training consultant based in San Diego, California. He is the personal coach to 2016 US Olympic and 70.3 World Championships silver medal triathlete Ben Kanute. Jim is also the Head Varsity Swim Coach at Coronado High School, (where he coached a 2016 All-American swimmer), and has coached elite National Champions, World Championship podium performances, countless Ironman World Championship qualifiers, and been a training consultant for US Olympians. Jim has written two books – Triathlon 2.0 and Run with Power, and co-edited Triathlon Science with best selling training author, Joe Friel.

After a collegiate career as a 4 year letterwinning cross country and track athlete at the University of Nebraska, where he earned his degree in physical and health education, Vance turned to triathlon, where he won two amateur world championships, and trained at the Olympic Training Center. Later he moved to Ironman racing where he had many top finishes, including a third-place finish at Ironman Florida in 2006.

Jim continues to work with athletes all over the world, at all different levels, from beginner to elite, in swimming, cycling, running and triathlon. There are few individuals in the world with the teaching background, elite athlete experience, and coaching experience with elites, amateurs and juniors, as well as knowledge of training, like Jim Vance.

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