This revolutionary book in FULL COLOUR contains a complete conditioning program based on Periodization Fitness Training. Periodization is the systematic planning of fitness training. This book helps you solve the problem of organizing the training loads in order to achieve the highest team performance possible at the different stages of a season. This book includes practices that develop all the attributes needed for an individual and a team, such as:
The fitness practices in this book are very creative and aim to replicate competitive matches, so the players get used to making quick decisions and solving problems that arise during competition. All of the practices are are presented with clear simple to understand diagrams supported with objective, description, coaching points and variations/progressions. This is a fantastic opportunity for you Learn How to Condition your Team the Modern Way, All Season Round just like the top European Teams!
Learn How to Condition your Team the Modern Way, All Season Round | |
This book includes:
See full coaching topics below: |
Javier Mallo is currently a fitness coach at Real Madrid. He has previously been a fitness coach at Manchester City (2 years) and Atletico de Madrid (4 years). In this book, he explains how to create, organise and structure your football specific fitness training sessions.
Fitness coaches need to have a profound knowledge of the game, as all the practices in a session have to come together in a common way of thinking related to the tactical organisation of the team. It may be possible that in the following years the term fitness coach will lose all its value and will simply be replaced by coach or assistant coach.
Practice Topic Samples:
- WARMING UP: Technical: Passing Combinations in Groups of 3
- CONDITIONING: Coordination & Agility Training in a Conditioning Circuit
- TECHNICAL: Passing Combination Play with Crossing & Finishing
- TACTICAL: Position Specific 8 (+2) v 3 Zonal Possession Game
- COMPETITIVE SMALL SIDED GAMES: Maximum Intensity SSG with Outside Support Players
Επιπλέον Πληροφορίες
WHAT IS PERIODIZATION AND HOW CAN THIS BOOK HELP ME?. FOREWARD by Chema Sanz, professional Fitness Coach INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: THE ORGANISATION OF THE TRAINING PROCESS CHAPTER 2: THE COLLECTIVE TRAINING SESSION WARMING UP WITHOUT THE BALL WARMING UP WITH THE BALL 2.2 The Main Part of the Session 2.3 How the Dynamic of the Efforts Are Distributed 2.4 Organisation of the Training Practices CONDITIONING PRACTICES TECHNICAL PRACTICES TACTICAL PRACTICES | COMPETITIVE SMALL SIDED GAMES Low Intensity Competitive Practices Creating Space and Passing in a 9 v 9 Small Sided Game Medium Extensive Competitive Practices Half a Pitch 9 v 9 (+2) Small Sided Game Long Intensive Competitive Practices Match Specific 8 v 8 SSG with Offside Rule Short Intensive Competitive Practices Short Intensive 4 v 4 Small Sided Games Maximum Intensity Competitive Practices Maximum Intensity SSG with Outside Support Players2.5 The Final Part of the SessionCHAPTER 3: PERIODIZATION 3.1 Macro-Structure of Periodization 3.2 Micro-Structure of Periodization 3.2.1 Training Load Distribution during the Micro-cyclesTRAINING SESSION 1 Tactical and Competitive Practices for Long Intensive Dynamic Conditioning Warm Up: Receive, Pass and Move Wheel Activation: Pass + Sprint Exercise Tactical Shape and Positional Play in a 6 Goal 10 v 10 Game Positional Play, Crossing and Finishing in an 11 v 11 Dynamic GameTRAINING SESSION 2 Tactical and Competitive Practices for Short Intensive Dynamic Conditioning General Warm Up - Running in ‘Waves’ Specific Warm Up: Passing Exercises in Small Groups with 2 Balls Activation: Rondo Possession Game Short Intensive Dynamic Crossing and Finishing Passing Sequence Short Intensive 1v1 / 2v2 / 3v3 / 4v4 Dynamic Small Sided GamesTRAINING SESSION 3 Tactical and Competitive Practices for Maximum Intensity Dynamic Conditioning General Warm Up - Running in Squares Specific Warm Up + Activation: Quick Passing & Applying Pressure High Intensity Dynamic 3 Zone 6 v 3 Transitional Possession Game Continuous High Intensity 7 v 7 (+6) Small Sided Games3.3 Monitoring the Training LoadEPILOGUECHAPTER 4: TRAINING SESSIONS FOR THE 4 PHASES OF THE GAME TRAINING SESSION 4 TRAINING SESSION 5. TRAINING SESSION 6 TRAINING SESSION 7 |